Wednesday, October 20, 2010

3rd Grade Picture

Oh, wait!! I don't have one!!
I sent Riley to school on retake day, dressed nice, hair done, and picture money, only to not have them taken.
I'm so aggravated! I did everything right, and this is what I got!
Remember, Riley had a black eye....
I decided I wasn't going to send any money for original picture day, because I didn't want the picture company to waste money on prints, I wasn't going to want.
That backfired. If I would've had prints to return, he probably wouldn't have missed the retakes.
I'm frustrated. I know there are spring pictures, but I had plans for the pictures.... before spring. The office blamed PTO, because they are the ones responsible for pictures. They also wanted to blame Riley. They told me that someone walks into EACH room , and asks all kids who need retakes to come. I'm sorry. But Riley absolutely knew he needed retakes, and he would've responded if given the option. There is a high chance, Riley was in a different room. Why would they not use the intercom?? Seems more efficient to me!
Lastly, Riley gave his teacher the money first thing in the morning. Seems that his teacher should have caught this as well. How did this black eye backfire???
One. Unhappy. Mom.

1 comment:

Shenna said...

That's so sad! Sometimes people just don't think things through very well...