Tuesday, October 26, 2010

~Cloud Nine~

Can it get any better than cloud nine? I might just cry while typing this.

I just got back from parent/teacher conferences, and WOW is all I can think right now. I only wish I had a tape recorder so Jake could listen to the rave reviews my boys got.

I'll start with Riley: Mr. K. immediately told me what a blessing to his classroom, Riley was. The class wrote stories about the first day of school, and Riley's name was brought up multiple times. He made such a great impression, and they were naming him as new friends. He is always known as the nice boy in class.
Reading was his highest mark, a perfect 5! This is funny, because reading seems like his least favorite subject to me. He came in with a very high math percentage... Mr. K knows this is his favorite, and if Riley keeps his grade up, we will discuss enrichment programs.
The McPherson school district has "8 Keys of Excellence" and each month they learn, and practice one. Not all grade levels are actually graded on each key... maturity is a huge key for each key. The one key that Riley received a grade on was "This Is It." He got a perfect 5 again. Mr. K says this is almost unheard of.... It means, the student has a firm grasp that their focus on the present directly effects their success. They listen to instructions, follow all directions, and complete all tasks.
The only area he wants Riley to work on is penmanship. Riley is a boy, and it gets pretty sloppy. If this is his weak spot, I'll be ok. But I will need to hold Riley to a higher level, because when he slows down, his handwriting is pretty nice. It's kind of funny.... in previous years, Riley was the one with amazing handwriting, compared to most of the class. Guess it's time to step it up in McPherson!

Reece..... Reece, Reece, Reece, Reece. What can I say?? I've never had a bad conference. And, I've NEVER had a PERFECT conference..... until today! Granted, kindergarten is so much different than 3rd, but WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There aren't specifics in why he is doing so great in class. He follows directions and know his ABC's! What more does a kindergartner need to know? Kidding... Really, he is just a great student. Teacher knows all.... Mom and Dad know nothing! That pretty much sums up this kid.
The only negative, that I brought up myself, is Reece's tattling issue. (Remember from Preschool?) Only, Mrs. O. doesn't find it an issue at all! She doesn't have a problem with it, and just sees Reece as being very concerned about school rules, and isn't trying to get kids in trouble! Funny how house rules mean nothing, but SCHOOL rules mean life or death. =/
When all was said, and I was so proud of my Reecey Poo, I asked what we can do for Reece at home. Her answer was, "Send more perfect kids her way!"
Say What?!?!
She truly feels that Reece is the perfect student. I got the feeling she doesn't say this often.
Mr. K. and Mrs. O. briefly talked, and actually were wondering if we were a perfect family, to have sent two amazing boys to school. That's obviously the only explanation....Aww.... "tear" By the way... the truth is... It's pure LUCK!

I must apologize... this post probably seems arrogant, but I just couldn't be more impressed with my boys! This was the most rewarding hour of my life!!!


Leesa said...

You're not being arrogant at all! When a mom hears such great things about her kids, she must shout it to the world!! I'm so glad they are doing so well. :)

Shenna said...

That's wonderful! Your boys are very sweet and you definitely deserve to hear what good boys you've raised!