Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What's Up??

I feel as though I've been neglecting the blog, lately....

Let's start with the new job. The boys are both in school all day, so what would be the most ideal job to have? A job with the school district, so I can be on the boys school schedule. I am a special education para. I have a love/hate relationship with it. It is so over the top rewarding, and it is so physically and mentally draining each day. Growing up, I really felt as though I was a patient person. I got overwhelmed easily, but I was pretty patient. (To all my family reading this.... this probably doesn't apply to any family situations. I'm just thinking of my world outside of the house.) Then I had kids, and I always felt that all patience I ever had, went out the window, quickly. I am amazed each, and every day, I survive with the children I have to deal with at work. It feels as though I have 1 awesome day, to every 4-5 dreadful day. The quality of my day is always directly correlated with my students behavior. And yet, I always go back. My days never feel like the 7 hours I put in. On the other hand, I have to wake up at 6am, and I HaTe that! If the sun isn't up, I truly dislike being up as well.... (see what I mean about a love/hate relationship?) Just like having kids, when the good totally outshines the bad, my 1 good day with a student is so worth all the other bad days..... most the time.
The boys are still enjoying school. Riley doesn't talk too much about it, but Reece just LOVES it!! Parent teacher conferences are coming up in a couple of weeks, so we'll see where they are there.
My October is crazy busy. I work full time at the school, Monday through Friday.... then when I get off on Friday, I rush to Wichita, to sell tickets (Field of Screams) on Friday and Saturday night, until midnight. After things get cleaned and closed up, I crawl in bed around 1 or 2 in the morning. Needless to say, I'm exhausted! However, I really am having fun with this, and every night I work, I become a little more proud of what my sister and her husband have accomplished in the last 7 years. I make it a point to brag about them, whenever possible!
Jake will be going back up to KC on the 21st. He will have his MRI and appointment with the other surgeon, about the tumor in his leg. This, I believe, wraps things up. Nothing exciting, this is just what's happening around here!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I bet you are awesome at your job. :) You have a really calm and relaxing voice, which is probably really good for the students you work with.