Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Positive Note

This year I accidentally took on the role of being a room parent. I was so scared when I got volunteered for this position... I like to help provide, but I don't feel creative enough to be in charge. Here we are, one week before our first party, and I've been emailing Reece's teacher, back and forth, to finalize Fall Party plans.... this is a nice email she sent.

That sounds great. Thank you. Reece is an exceptional kindergarten student. He always tries his best and is very conscious of classroom rules and procedures. You would be very proud of Reece if you could watch his kindergarten day. You are to be complimented as a parent. Riley's teacher told me he is a great kid too!

This all came about, when I was discussing how much I really wish I could be a fly on the wall, to see how Reece interacts in his class. You see, the first 2 hours of my day are spent with a very "special" kindergarten class. There are 19 very BOLD personalities all under one classroom. I would be lying if I told you my blood pressure has not been elevated once or twice by the time I've left the room. Seeing this class and teacher in action, has given me a entire new perspective and admiration for ALL teachers!!

This email just gets me more excited for parent/teacher conferences!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

You are a brave brave mom!! I was waaaay to nervous to volunteer for room parent. I'm helping out at the parties, but I'm like you - I don't want to be in charge!!