Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh The Trouble I Go Through...

I've had quite the week. And the trouble I've run into (mostly to be blamed on the Hubby) has been dramatic! Wait! Maybe I'm just being the dramatic one....

The boys and I spent 2.5 hours on Monday, making our yummy chocolate/caramel covered pretzel sticks. I packaged the ones I had intended on giving away, the boys and I enjoyed one a piece, and I put the remaining in a couple sealed Tupperware containers. When Jake got home, I told him which ones he could eat from. That was that.
The next day after school, Reece asked for a pretzel. I searched the kitchen up and down, and there were no pretzels! NONE!! I texted Jake..... he had taken them to work. He works with a ton of people, and of course none were left. I was FuRiOuS!! I let him know that I didn't slave away in the kitchen for us to not be able to enjoy any of the chocolaty and caramely goodness! Boy did he feel badly! He was so sure when I told him which ones he could eat, it meant these are the ones he could have! He asked what he could do, and I told him to make more so his son could enjoy them. So.... he stopped by the store on the way home and picked up ingredients to make us more. Problem solved. We now have our own pretzels that we can eat ourselves.

The same day I made the pretzels, I had asked Jake to endorse a check and cash it for me. I wanted this $20.00 cash to buy a gift card for Reece's teacher for Christmas. This year I've tried to be thoughtful about the gifts, and thankfully, I have in my possession a "My Favorite Things" list from both boy's teachers. This includes their favorite restaurants... Jake didn't cash it, he just deposited it. Fine. I'll deal with it. I just put it on his to do list for his day off, to go buy the gift card for me. He forgot. This is actually a small cafe, that is only open from 9 am to 2 pm, Tuesday through Friday. The hours that I am working. Neither one of us was going to be off, during those hours, by the time I needed it before Christmas break. Arg!! When I got off work, and Jake remembered right when I walked in the door, that he had forgotten, I panicked. The cafe had been closed for over an hour. I called, hoping there was a voicemail that I could leave a message on, or even have the luck that someone would actually be there. Someone answered. They were there for just a few more minutes, and they let me run up there quickly. Phew!
I get there within minutes, and she starts filling out a very "old school" certificate. I tried to pay with a card. Double arg!! I just realized that they only take cash or check! I knew this when I wanted that check cashed, and I was so frantic, I'd forgotten!! Thankfully, she allowed me to go get a check, seeings how I wasn't too far away. I rush back home, pretty annoyed, quickly wrote a check, and returned. Someone was in the cafe to put in an advance order. I knew exactly who it was the second I walked in.... It was none other than, Mrs. Olander!!!! What are the chances??? I just mentioned how awkward it was, and I couldn't hide the fact that I was in there for her. I laughed and told her she needed to act very surprised when Reece brings her a gift..... which is something that could've been avoided if a check, days earlier, would have been cashed.

True story. ;p

1 comment:

Shenna said...

We got your card in the mail today! I LOVE it! Your little guys are growing up so fast.