Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our Christmas

When we bought this old house, one of our first concerns was "where are we going to put the tree, or the stockings, and how is Santa going to make it in our house?"
All very serious concerns!!
Well, we knew Santa would use his magic to enter through our front door.
So, here we are leaving cookies and carrots by the front door before bed.
Riley didn't think Santa needed too many cookies, since he'd be eating at every one's house.
Then he counted out 9 carrots.... one for each reindeer, including Rudolph.
The stockings were hung with care on the stairway, and filled with all the Spy Gear any little boy would ever need, by morning.
My kids are so funny... they didn't think they were allowed to touch their toys until they woke us up.
And to wake us up.... Reece crept in our room and put his face 1 inch from
Jake's face.
Merry Christmas!!
Jake about had a heart attack!!
Amazingly, we slept until 7 in our house!
It's present time!!!
Riley's favorite. Star Wars video game.
Fishing pole.
Reece got a tackle box, disguised as a decorative snowman.
We are officially set to become fishermen now.

Riley is growing like a weed!!
So new pajamas were in order and nothing like getting the 5th
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book.
I got a Wii card to be able to download the ORIGINAL "Super Mario Bros."
Riley LoVeS the "old fashioned" game!
Dad and Reece enjoying a fun game of Hedbanz.
PS... Reece is a cheater!! Also, this game is more fun if you know how to read.... need to work on that with Reece.
Let's see, Reece also got pajamas, Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie, Harry Potter Wii.
Jake and I, both got each other a new pair of brown boots. His are for work and mine are for fun and I love them.
We had a great Christmas here, then we headed to Wichita to have Christmas at my parent's, but left the camera behind. Boo!


Erica said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like you guys had a great one! I just LOVE your beautiful! Thanks for the card, very fancy :)

Leesa said...

Looks like you guys had fun!! Merry (Late) Christmas to you guys!!