Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Post K.C.

Well..... Jake survived another surgery. Like any of us are surprised...He had a tumor removed from his left leg. It was located on the side of his calf.
We drove up to K.C. on Monday afternoon, dropped the boys off at some friends, for a very extended play date, then Jake and I crashed at my brother's house. We (I) literally crashed!! I laid down, and was out for the count before 10pm. Jake had instructions to not eat after midnight, so he stayed up long enough to eat one last meal, and then he may have not slept as well as I did.... But, he got some sleep.
We were told to check in around 11am on Tuesday, so we had a little time to run errands and spend a gift card I'd gotten for Christmas. We checked in, and he wasn't prepped for surgery until 1pm. I had one hungry Jake on my hands.... or by this time, the nurses did. The surgery started around 1:45 and he got out at 3:15. Dr. Templeton (our Orthopedic surgeon) came to update me. Said he did great, and the tumor was so big, she understands why it was getting to become so painful. It was about 4 inches long and approximately 1.5 inches in diameter. Yikes!! Jake's skinny leg, just got skinnier! Hehe! He was in recovery for over an hour and a half before I got to go see him. He did great! He was nauseous, but never got sick. We weren't dismissed until about 5:30pm, then it was some fast food, pick up boys, and back to the MAC.
Jake is doing so good. He has even ditched the crutches already. The pain with walking is better than dragging around the crutches. Once he got food in his system, the nausea went away. The pain killers and antibiotics are keeping him from sleeping, which is no bueno, but he is in great spirits.
Another surgery down, and I'm so happy it went so smoothly!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I'm so glad to hear everything went well!!