Friday, March 11, 2011

The Specialist

Well.... Riley went to the specialist in Wichita yesterday. Dr. Whitler didn't do anything other than a typical office exam.

I called on Monday to ask the nurse if they still wanted to see Riley. I told them he had been acting normal, I believed his fever broke, but he still looked pale and glassy eyed. She said Doc still wanted to see him.

Tuesday, Riley came home with a 99.9* fever from school..... nothing too alarming, but not normal. This reassured me, that maybe he really needed to be seen. His fever had a pattern of breaking for several days, and then it crept up for a bit.

The Dr. wasn't really alarmed. Riley didn't have a fever in the office. He gave us the option to do more labs.... I decided that if the Dr. wasn't alarmed then it wouldn't be worth it. He just said to bring him back for several tests if this pattern keeps up for a couple more weeks.

Hopefully, we are over the hump....34 days later.....


jody-of-all-trades said...

Hopefully that "specialist" didn't cost you an arm and a leg!

Erica said...

How scary! Poor Riley, this fever needs to go away! You are such an excellent mom!!!

Shenna said...

Crossing our fingers that you don't have to deal with this anymore!!!