Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wax Museum

Riley wrote a biography on Babe Ruth, and his class held a wax museum to share them. He did such a great job! He was nervous and the classroom felt more like a sauna, but he did very well!
Thankfully, Jake's boss has his kiddos obsessed with baseball, so we were able to borrow some pants (that went well with Boston Red Sox colors), and we borrowed their wooden bat. Then Riley played T-ball in Kindergarten and we still had his Yankees uniform, and Mr. K let him borrow his Boston Red Sox hat..... it all came together well. The picture doesn't show it well, but there is, indeed, a pillow stuffed in his shirt to show off Babe's gut! =)


Erica said...

What a neat idea!! I bet Riley did an amazing job!

Jenny Meirowsky said...

So cute! I bet he loved being Babe Ruth!