Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Complete Chaos

I'm here to update my few followers..... I've been insanely busy! What am I doing? Working.... If I'm not at my full time job with the school district, I'm in Wichita, helping my sister get ready for October's Field of Screams (it's gonna be amazing!). But if you don't find me at either of these 2 places, then I'm selling tickets for the fall events here in McPherson. I'm calculating working 60+ hours a week. Talk about a rude awakening, right after summer vacation.... I knew I was going to be working for Jody, and although I was exhausted last year, I knew I would make it just fine this year..... but I had no idea I'd be working the events (volleyball, football, soccer) nearly this much. The money is why I've signed up.... it's a LOT more than what I make hourly as a para. I really thought getting my foot in the door was going to be difficult. I had just assumed that there were regulars who got these shifts, and I'd be lucky to even get a couple. WRONG!! I had made myself available for many dates, and I have been given a TON of these shifts. It's easy money, but it's taking a toll. I can do it.... it will just be SO much easier once I get my first paycheck of the year under my belt. I, too, get paid just once a month..... but I haven't seen a check since June. It's really hard to work so much, and not see any money for so long!
So to add to my current chaotic schedule, we've signed the boys up for some activities. We signed Riley up for a bowling league. He has only bowled a handful of times in his life, but he really enjoys it. It is inexpensive and he will get to get out and socialize some, and it can be a lifetime sport if he wants it to be.... figured we would give it a year and see what he thinks at the end. It's once a week and it's low key, which is right up his "alley".
Don't laugh, but we got Reece into tumbling. Reece has been tumbling "Reece Style" since.... always! It took me getting over the "boy gymnast" mentality to officially do it. He is the only boy in the class, but he is SO excited to be doing this. I actually asked him if he was okay with him being the only boy, and he replied, "I'm definitely okay being surrounded by lots of girls." Reece can contort his body in freakish ways, he is more limber than I've ever been in my life, and he has an endless amount of energy. We will give this a year too, and see what he thinks of it. Right now he is on cloud 9! He is tumbling 2 days a week. Now both of my boys have "their own" thing..... on top of these, basketball camp starts up this week too. (I'm still holding out hope that I will have a baller.... but not holding my breathe.)
So, this is my story and I'm sticking to it!
Thanks for checking in!!


Erica said...

Way to go boys!! I think those sports are AWESOME! I can't wait to hear how they're doing in them :).

You are one bust lady!

Leesa said...

Don't laugh at me, but I started bowling when I was a kid and I bowled on leagues until I was in my 20s! Love it! I'm totally not good anymore, but you are right - it can be a lifetime sport. Yay for Riley!
And tumbling sounds PERFECT for your energetic Reece. :)
Wow, you are one busy lady!! Once the money starts pouring in it will all be worth it.

Shenna said...

Wow! You certainly have a lot going on right now. Bowling and tumbling are great ideas! I hope they both enjoy themselves!