Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ol' Reliable

Saying goodbye is so hard!
Today I finally got to see pictures of my car.... it was such a dependable car. It's only fault is that it attracted raccoons while on the highway, tree limbs from the neighbor's tree, and now a white truck.

Notice how the front of the car isn't touched, which means Jake was far enough into the intersection that the truck should have seen him. However, Kansas law states that even if Jake had to wait for 30 cars going straight, he would have needed to yield. Who drives like that? We still don't have a clue what the insurance company is going to do, but Jake's witness claims that the truck didn't even stop at the stop sign, so we are holding out hope. But, since we are too busy to be patient, and both work a lot of hours, State Farm is processing it under us, in hopes the other insurance will step in. Let the car shopping begin. Car shopping that I don't have any time for, but the $500 for our rental will vanish fast!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I still remember the sound of crunching metal and squealing tires from the one wreck I had when I was 16. Not fun!
Good luck with your hunt for a new car!