Saturday, September 10, 2011


Wahoo! Riley and I finished the 3rd book of Harry Potter! We read the last chapter today, and followed it with the movie. I was a tad disappointed on how it didn't seem to even TRY to follow the book, but it was still a good movie. Riley's favorite part was the boggart, disguised as Professor Snape, in old woman clothes..... his other favorite part of the book was not in the movie. We LOVED Lee's commentary during the Quidditch matches about the Firebolt.... Harry's newest broom. Why that and winning the Quidditch Cup was left from this book, I'll never know. Sorry if you don't understand this post, but Riley and I will be able to look back at this and laugh! I have really enjoyed this time with Riley, one on one!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Yay for HP! I will read it. Don't know when yet, but it will happen. :)