Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another Year....

Today marks another year of marital bliss in this house...
This is for you Jake....
Could it be put any better way?
Jake makes me laugh almost every day, and what more does one need?
It's great to be able to have my best friend by my side!
Love you Jake
As far as 2012..... it has come in quite uneventful.
I'm sure you have gathered this from the lack of blogging. And truthfully, I love it! I haven't been pulled in 20 directions, and the boys are just enjoying being boys! It helps that the weather has been so wonderful too! It is so rare that they get to exert some energy outside.... and this year they have been out and about a lot. The only thing we are getting ready for is my brother's wedding up in Kansas City, next weekend. It should be a great time..... and I will have some pictures to post after that! Ciao!


Leesa said...

Congrats for another year!! I giggled at the cute Dr. Suess quote. It fits Jason and I as well.
ps - you seem pretty normal to me, but I'm weird, so maybe that is why you seem normal!! :)

Shenna said...

Loved the quote! I'm glad things are quiet for you right now. It's nice when life gives you a little bit of a break!

Tommi said...

Happy Late Anniversary!

jody-of-all-trades said...

I'm stealing the Dr. Seuss thing. Made me laugh! I don't admit to being as weird as Kip, but you know me.....