Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nieces and Nephews

I have recently found myself with an abundance of new pictures of some of my nieces and nephews.... and I finally got around to scanning them in. When I first started blogging, I was so good about doing a birthday blog for each of them.... but as time went on, it was hard to keep up with all 18 of them, and often I wasn't getting new pictures of them, so it wasn't fun using the same picture multiple times.... so here are the new ones I have!
Here are my sister, Jill's kids.
Cole, age 14
Brendon, age 12
Sydney, age 9
Samantha, age 7
Next up, my sister, Jody's boys.
Aidan, age 10
Owen, age 3.
My other sister, Joanna's kids.
Hannah, age 10.
William, age 8.
Jackson, age 7.
And, Alex, age 4.
It amazes me how pictures show kid's personalities so clearly. It helps when you know each and every one of them so well. I love each of these kids for very different reasons!!


Erica said...

Happy New Year!!! You have a lot of nieces and nephews- how fun!!!

Shenna said...

How cute are all those kids?!? Sorry I've slacked on commenting on your blog...I've been MIA for a month. :) Loved catching up on all your happenings this last month!

jody-of-all-trades said...

Its true! You really can see their personalities!