Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Day With Reece

As my brother's wedding is getting closer, I have had this terrible paranoia that one of my kiddos would get sick. And it happened. Thankfully, it's not a terribly miserable kind of sick, and is very treatable.

I was woken up by Reece around 2 am, and he just told me his throat was making a funny sound, and it hurt to breath. It was wheezing..... out of nowhere! He went to bed fine, and a few hours later was wheezing. I let him crawl into bed with me after he got a drink of water, and his wheezing kept me awake all night. It was such a sad sound.... Since I was not sleeping, I made the decision that I would keep him home and I would sacrifice a sick day. Truthfully, I was a little happy.... I stayed up way too late watching the Jayhawks take down the #3 Baylor Bears. So a lazy day with Reece sounded a little bit fun.... even though having a sick kid isn't really fun.

When Reece woke up, he sounded bad, but actually he acted totally normal. I wondered if I was overreacting.... but then again, if he was even a little bit sick, I needed to get it treated pronto!! Before it can affect the wedding travels. I call the nurse to ask her opinion, an after talking about the symptoms, she feels Reece definitely needs to be seen.

After a full morning of Netflix and Super Mario Galaxy 2, we were off to the doctor. Reece wasn't wheezing anymore, but if he cleared his throat or breathed deep, you could hear the course sounds coming out. Turns out he had something.... I should take notes.... it was deep, and my doctor says it could be a debate whether it is asthma or brochialitis. We did a breathing treatment in the office, and it helped a lot. So now we own (can't wait to see that bill) our very own Nebulizer, and have many treatments to give Reece and a steroid to try to wrap things up before the wedding. If I didn't have this wedding to travel for, we could have skipped the steroids. Yay for 2012 starting off with a bang!! But at least it was an easy fix, and knock on wood, that's all we deal with for a while!

A cute story from when we were waiting for the doctor..... I asked Reece if he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up. He says no. Why? He wants to work at Lowe's and be like Jake. I laughed and told him that he would have to work long hours, and he didn't care. He also wants to work with Jake's boss, Mark. Guess he likes the top dog!! Just like Jake and Mark, who are great buds! It is so sweet when kiddos want to be like their parents.

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