Friday, July 6, 2012

Painting Class

Riley had his painting class last week. He enjoyed it just much as he did two years ago. This time he really took his time with his pieces he made. He made Jake, Reece and I each our own painting. He used pictures in magazines to get inspired. But mine was a starfish he remembered me loving at Sea Life in KC. He's so sweet!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

I love art, especially kid art! Great job Riley and what a neat summer idea!! I also wanted to let you know that I am trying something new...a password. It was super easy to put on and I like that you don't have to send everyone an e-mail. The password is my favorite animal--elephant. If you have any troubles, e-mail me at I would hate for you not to be able to access it because you are the one who inspired me to do this :)