Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Old Soul

Jake has referred to Riley as an "old soul" more than once this past week. Here are a couple reasons why....

While they were out golfing, Jake was telling Riley how Grandpa taught him how to play, and now he gets to teach Riley how to play. So Riley says, "Then I'll get to teach my kid how to play!" Jake liked that.

Tonight at dinner, I made a simple crock pot recipe (Reece's new favorite) and Riley tells me, "When I grow up you have to give me this recipe!!"

Haha! What 10 year old is talks so much about his later years!?

Another funny story, that has nothing to do with him being an "old soul," but I think will embarrass, or make him laugh when he is all grown up, happened at dinner last week. Jake and I were talking about how we met, and Jake slipped in the fact that if we wouldn't have met, the boys wouldn't be here (sad thought, huh?). Well, Riley insisted that maybe dad wouldn't be here but the rest of us would! Why, you wonder?? "Dads can't get pregnant!" Haha.... who needs dads anyway?? Moms obviously, just miraculously, have babies when they are ready for baby! Love the innocence of kid's minds!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Ha! I love that story!