Thursday, June 21, 2012

All About Riley At Ten

So I gave Riley a questionaire to fill out about his favorites at 10. (Stole this from my fellow blogger, Erica ;) And here it is....
Favorite color: Red
Favorite dinner: Pizza Rolls (mom's style... which is from Pinterest )
Favorite dessert: KU cake.... wondering if it was just the most recent ;)
Favorite restaurant: Pizza Hut
Best Friend: Terry
Favorite TV show: Spongebob (since 18 months)
Favorite clothes: His Mario shirts
Favorite book: Ms. Daisy is Crazy!
Favorite movie: Spongebob movies
Favorite thing to do outside: 2 or 4 square (if only there was a league the boys could play in)
Favorite sport: Bowling and golf
Favorite food: Macaroni & Cheese
Favorite animal: Cat (it's probably the least threatening!)
Favorite game: Star Wars Battle Front 2 (PS2) Stratigo (Board)
What do you want to be when you grow up? Video game maker

Riley cost $11,092.51.... Thank GOD for insurance!!
A gallon of milk cost $2.68.
A loaf of bread cost $1.01.
A gallon of unleaded gas cost $1.36..... that sounds heavenly!
A stamp cost $0.34, but on July 4th it raised to $0.37.

Thanks for the best 10 years ever Riley!!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Ha! Love it! That was fun to read all about Riley :)