Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Serious Soccer

Im almost ready to call myself a "Soccer Mom." I forced Reece into doing a soccer academy last spring, and he loved it, so we went with it and we have him enrolled in just about anything soccer.
Last weekend, the high school coach, Mr. Adrian had a 3 session camp. Coach is also a coach at the boy's school, so that excited Reece. It was Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday night. He enjoyed it!
Next up, at the end of July Reece will do a much more intense camp. It's a British soccer camp here in McPherson. It will be five days for 3 hours in the evening. I'm not sure why they chose the hottest time of the year, but if Reece is going to pick up some skills, it will be here!
Lastly, we have signed him up for the competitive Strikers league here in McPherson. It's so official, I even had to send in his birth certificate and a headshot. They play all of their games in Salina, and it is a fall and spring league. He is enrolled for an entire year.
I hope Reece continues to enjoy this hobby. My happiest times as a kid was loving and playing basketball, so I want that for him too!

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