Saturday, June 9, 2012

Great Wolf Lodge

Last Monday we set out for our vacation to KC. Miraculously, Riley woke up that morning with zero fever. As the day went on he had shown some signs of just battling the tail end of whatever sickness he was fighting over the weekend, but a little Tylenol did the trick and he was back to normal by the end of the day.
We surprised them with our first visit to Great Wolf Lodge and they loved it. We planned it this way so the boys and I would have something to keep us busy while Jake was back and forth having MRIs at KUMed. It was perfect and along with swimming the boys got to go on quests with magical wands on the top two floors of the hotel. It helped break up the swimming. They both loved it all and want to go back. We checked out Thursday which made for a slightly grumpy Reece.
I almost forgot we treated them to TREX Cafe before we surprised them with GWL. Here are pics in no particular order, courteous of my phone I don't know how to use.

1 comment:

jody-of-all-trades said...

So fun! I really need to take Aidan there. He said this year the 5th grade kids at this school took a trip to GWL so I think he is expecting it to be his 5th grade trip too.