Friday, July 5, 2013

94 MPH Winds

 So when your house is on the market... storms and high winds are a bit of an inconvenience. I'm not going to whine too much, because it could have been SO much worse. We had straight line winds come through just over a week ago. There were power lines and trees down... I'm going say we lucked out with the several tree limbs we lost. It was not fun cleaning up, but there was no damage and we are thankful.
Most of our limbs came from our neighbor's tree... yay for mature trees.

Just for the drama... our sign was standing up straight before the wind...

This was humorous... this huge twig was standing straight up when we found it.

This one landed up too...

Our collection...

My poor lillies got snapped at the base.

Our neighbor lost an entire tree... Jake helped get it cut down before the night was even over.  It was a gorgeous fall tree. It turned a deep fire red. I'm sad it is gone.

The skies looked pretty amazing afterwards.

Reece, Savannah, and Riley hunting fireflies after the storm... look at the debris!

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