Friday, July 5, 2013

Shipping Jake Off...

Jake has officially started his job in Colorado. I'm left behind to try to wrap things up... we sent the boys to Wichita to soak up some "cousin" time and caravanned with Jake to try to find a suitable place to rent until we wrap up the sale of our home.
Our sad faces... before we couldn't help but laugh.

Glenwood Canyon... a glorious sight!

One of the MANY KU signs along I70... won't see this glorious sight in CO. Basketball season will be quite the adjustment...

My last night in CO, we ate with Mark's family (Jake's former  and now current boss). They took us to this neat restaurant called The White House.
We ate pizza on the patio, the weather was amazing, and there were NO BUGS!! Not even a single fly swarming around our food! It was amazingly perfect! I whine about bugs a lot... mostly mosquitos, but they truly are out to get me! I usually find myself trapped inside this time of year. Colorado will allow me to enjoy the outdoors a bit more. :)

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