Sunday, July 28, 2013


A lot of life and changes have happened since I last post...

* Our buyers got a cash offer on their house, which sped the selling process up very quickly. Unfortunately, their loan couldn't get sped up, but the timing ended up perfect. We had planned to leave our home on July 24th, so they took early possession on that day. They will pay us a little rent per day until the closing takes place. Ultimately, I'm thrilled my house isn't sitting vacant, which made us nervous after a past situation with us letting our Gardner home sit vacant for a week and a half. I was also SUPER nervous about the inspection... it's a 106 year old home... and we passed almost with flying colors! There was just one minor wiring issue, but the buyers took care of it. What a relief!! I did run into the inspector as he was packing up, and he just praised about what a great home we had. That helped me sleep well that night.

*Moving to CO, especially Glenwood Springs (a tourist town), is a huge adjustment. We didn't want to commit to a mortgage until we were positive our McPherson home sold. We also wanted to have a chance to get familiar with the area before we bought a home. Jake wants to be closer to work than he has been in the past. We will save gas money there... so at the end of the day, we decided to rent a condo to allow us plenty of time to find something we truly like, without settling. Going from owning mode to renting mode is challenging, but we will survive! The toughest part is you don't realize how much stuff you have until you move it, and then you find out you have way too much stuff to put in a condo, then you have to get a storage unit! Yikes!! It won't last won't last forever...

*Moving 10 hours away from McPherson meant we were moving even farther away from family/cousins/friends... we made it a point to spend a few days in Wichita and in the KC area to say some "so long for nows"... refusing to say "goodbye."

*Jake is adjusting to his new position. It's a huge change and he has a lot to learn as an HR manager, but he can handle it. He got thrown into the middle of a lot of hiring, but what's the best way to learn fast?? Get thrown in! He is super happy, at least I think he is, that we are finally out here with him. He had a long 2-3 weeks without us. I won't feel too badly for him, he had rivers to float and mountains to hike up... This, while I got to keep the house super clean and tidy, which super clean is not my thing! ;)

I'm sure there is a lot I'm leaving out here... I'll just start posting pictures. First blog post as a Colorado resident! Woohoo!

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