Sunday, March 23, 2014

March Stuff

Riley finished the second "Hunger Games" book!! Thankfully, Netflix got us the "Catching Fire" movie quickly. He enjoyed it and is nearly done with the last book...too bad we must wait a while for those movies to come out. He watched the movie 3-4 times over the weekend, and liked it, but we all know the books are always better! 
 This was a funny way to wake up on St. Patrick's Day...apparently Reece is a little upset his trap didn't work last year. He left this note on our front door. Watch out, Mr. Leprechaun!
 Lastly, this is Reece's first clay project from art. I miss the art that came home from his McPherson school, but he keeps telling me it will come home at the end of the year. I hope so! Until then I have this lovely detailed clay face to admire! ;)

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