Sunday, March 23, 2014

Progress Reports

Glenwood does their spring conferences a bit different... unless there is an issue or concern at school, you have the choice to schedule conferences with teachers. I thought this was strange, and I had an internal struggle with deciding to whether be that parent that wanted to hear directly from the teachers or wondering if would I be judged if I didn't want to take the time to meet with them. Well, I ended up not going to either. Actually, with Riley I got a letter and declined the conference and with Reece I never got the choice. I assumed if there was an issue I would have been contacted. Both boys are having a great year. I couldn't be more proud of how they have adjusted to a new school.

Reece is doing well in all of his subjects. He seems to be right on target for 3rd grade. He even had his first state testing experience and that first day was a little nervous, but once he took the first test and didn't struggle, he breezed through all of the others. They celebrated testing with pajama days.

"Reece continues to work hard and puts his best efforts into every assignment. His hard work is paying off and he is excelling across the subjects. Keep up the good work, Reece!" ~Ms. Foster (his teacher)

"Reece has been an integral part of our learning community this year by becoming a trusted teammate, supportive listener, developing grammar user, and an interactive reader. Additionally, your child takes the time to read carefully, develop opinions, share feelings, and offers thoughtful input to those wanting to become involved with him. I continue to encourage you to share in your child's reading each night by listening, asking questions, and helping to develop solid reading strategies before such activities as watching television, playing video games, and playing with friends." ~Mr. Hardcastle, Literacy

Riley is also doing a great job in all of his subjects. I'd say Humanities is his weakest subject. It's a combination of Literacy and Social Studies. They work on oral expression, reading, writing, research, history, geography, economics and civics. He does best in his math, science and computer classes.

"Riley is a joy to have in class!" ~Mrs. Chaney, Humanities

"Great job. Awesome student!" ~Mr. Smith, Math (Mr. Smith enjoys Riley and even got Riley a piece of pie for Pi Day...not sure how I feel about him being singled out, but I'm happy for Riley, and Riley was very happy too!)

"Riley, you are such a great science student. Continue to work for excellence and challenge yourself and your group members." ~Mrs. Hassell, Science

Mrs. Hassell even nominated Riley to attend a National Youth Leadership Forum, based on his academic potential and interest in science, technology, engineering and math. It would be a 6 day program over summer, in Pennsylvania, California or Illinois. It sure makes a parent proud, but being able to work something like this out is complicated. Hopefully someday we can take advantage, but until then we can just be proud parents that his teachers really see potential in our child.

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