Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bear Sighting

On Saturday, Jake and I got up early and took Aunt Jill on a local hike. She had been dying for some activity. We decided the Red Mountain Trail would be a good one. We were so close to the top when I saw my first bear! Jake wasn't with us at the time, and Jill missed it, but it was unmistakable. We were coming around one of our final bends and what I thought was a big, black dog ran out of the tree line and ran a few steps and zoomed back into the tree line. It didn't take me long to realize it was way too big and fluffy to be a dog with a fellow hiker. We quietly tip toed backwards and decided we had enough. I'm sure we would have been just fine, but it's not a risk I'm up to taking. I'm still in shock I saw my first bear! It took a little less than a year!

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