Sunday, July 20, 2014

Kline Family Reunion: Day 2

I woke up on day 2, unsure of what it would bring... meal time with some of my crazy nephews was definitely on the agenda, but after what, who knew. It was at breakfast that the owner gave a few options for us. One was to visit a "castle" about 40 minutes away... after she described it, I wanted to go. 
Alex and a hot chocolate mustache.

Owen being silly.

Will and Jack doing so, as well.

You can google "Bishop's Castle" and find several stories about the crazy Jim Bishop. FYI: he doesn't like the government...probably because he built , excuse me, IS building a death trap of a castle in the National San Isabel Forest. To which Jim claims he bought decades ago. He has been building this "castle" since 1969. He is a welder...not a contractor. He built this with his own hands. No big machinery. I gather he isn't an Obama fan either...wonder why I think that? ^^^

It was a bit nerve-racking taking the kids along... lets just say there were lots of stairs, that may or may not have been up to code. Sometimes it led to a tall ledge with no rails. If we lost track of a kid it was panic time.

Here is a picture of the stairs we used to get in... my anxiety started up shortly after we started climbing.

Hi Owen, Jill and Shawn!

Another FYI: Jim started this castle. Not his father , Willard. I get the feeling this guy was a bit narcissistic. 

Owen being brave on a welded  platform... I hope this guy is at least a skilled welder.

Aidan and Riley... as high as I could handle. See those "stairs?" It looked as though they just dropped off...maybe Mr. Bishop's current project? I hope this guy has liability insurance. 

We survived! What an odd adventure. 

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