Saturday, July 19, 2014

Time Away

The boys were away from us (visiting family in Kansas) for 17 days...and this was one of the very few pictures they shared with me. Thank goodness they did, because I almost forgot what the goofballs looked like.
While visiting Grandpa McMillan and Grandma Sally in McPherson, they went swimming, visited the Salt Mine in Hutchinson, and ate ice cream a lot! (Grandma Sally loves her ice cream, and I know these two wouldn't object.) They walked through the old neighborhood and sent me a picture of our old house.
My response was, that was a good looking house! Remembering how we bought the house, to how we left it....major transformation. They walked by their old school and I'm sure walked down memory lane at the same time.

After spending a week with Jake's dad, they were dropped off in Wichita with my sister and family. I didn't hear from them much this week... They went between my family (mostly Aunt Joanna and Aunt Jody and cousins.) There was a lot of playing and swimming. I'm so glad they got to swim...not a regular activity in Colorado. Pools don't get warm enough here. They spent the 4th of July in Colwich with Aunt Joanna...the Kraus family puts on quite a display. I'm also glad the boys were in Kansas for the 4th, because where we live, fireworks are a HUGE no-no. To risky with the never ending fire threat.

Finally on day 17, my family brought the boys back to us. We met at our family reunion in Westcliffe, CO. (That will be another post) Reece wasn't sure he was ready to be reunited with us (classic Reece...too much fun with cousins.) And Riley was under the weather...he was fighting a fever and as the days went on he had head drainage and a cough. It all started when they started the 10 hour trek to Colorado. I was just so happy to have them back, regardless of how they were feeling.

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