Sunday, April 3, 2016

ᑕOᑭᑭEᖇ 2 ᑕᗩᗷO: ᑭᗩᖇT 1

Let Spring Break begin!!!
First stop is Copper...where we met my brother's family for a day of skiing.
Our car was jam packed with ski equipment AND our beach gear...The boys had to suffer and sit a little closer than desired.

My nephew, Luke, warmed up to Jake quickly... Pop the Pig helped!

Game time with cousins, Colby and Camryn, and their friends-Zack and Zander. Apples to Apples never gets old.

The next morning, Luke was all smiles with Reece and Camryn. Love Reece's lucky hats!

Reece and Luke love each other. Reece is so good with little ones.

Recreating, or attempting to, recreating the picture of these four from last year... nothing changes, only how tall these kids get.
Riley, Reece, Colby and Camryn.

At the top of the mountain. 

Family picture... I had layers and layers. I was not ready for the frigid temperatures! Glenwood had been so nice and warm, but Copper is a bit higher and colder. I think I stole layers from Riley! This was also Jake and my first time skiing a new mountain... Jake was so excited, I was crazy nervous. I only struggled at first... these were tough blues I had to take to get to my comfort greens. But it was a great day!

I got to hang out with Luke in the afternoon so Shawn and Kait could both ski. I was excited to do so. He was distracted here...but he was cheesing it up for me.
What's this?? I'm seriously posting a selfie AND a makeup free selfie!! Thanks, Rodan + Fields! 
The weekend flew by... Here are the cousins. Luke was distracted with toys, but as soon as I showed him the picture he WANTED to sit and have another picture done with him sitting. SO CUTE!

More train time with Reece and Luke! choo choo!

Check out that smile!

Goofy faces!!!
Can't wait for next year!

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