Sunday, April 3, 2016

ᑕOᑭᑭEᖇ 2 ᑕᗩᗷO: ᑭᗩᖇT 3

Oh BOY! I've got a lot of pictures ahead... 

We woke up at 3am to hit the airport and customs in time...I'm not much of a morning person, but the excitement had me moving (my tired face doesn't show it =p)
These two were troopers!

So bored in the airport...selfie??

Photo bombed!

Denver sunrise... this will not even compare a little bit to Cabo!

First plane ride since 2008!

Reece eating lunch at 10am at the San Diego airport... our internal clocks were way off after waking so early. It felt as though it should have been 2 or 3pm!

Cabo! We have arrived!! This was our view! The pool was a big cross...I couldn't get the entire pool in! Paradise!

We had time to soak up some sun right away!

Reece eating the huge coconut shrimp for dinner... we ate at the resort restaurant on the first night. We had a kitchen in the unit so we did out best to eat in the rest of the trip to save on money.

First sunset down by the beach.

And our first sunrise... wow!! If  I could sit on a beach and watch the sun rise everyday, I'd be the happiest girl in the world!

Soaking up the AM sun and doodling...

We have Jake's dad, Mark, to thank! He paid for our trip!

I was a bum!! For 2 days straight!! Do I stare at the ocean???

Or stare at the pool/resort??? Decisions, decisions!

Another day, another sunrise... today the clouds added a nice touch!

We watched the fun moon camera does it no justice, but it was amazing! 

Sorry...I couldn't get enough of this!!

Reece woke up a little under the weather :(
Fever struck. He toughed it out and notice the lucky hats??? He's loyal to his superstitious responsibility. It was game day!

Off to Cabo San Lucas... it was about a 30 minute drive

Maddie (Jake's step sister), Riley, and Reece... we are on a ship ready to go snorkeling!

The Arch of San Lucas

Riley wasn't too sure about the rocking of the boat...he also doesn't like the taking off and landing of a plane.

This picture makes me think of "Weekend at Bernies."

Here we go!! We are IN THE OCEAN!! We purchased an underwater camera for Riley's filed trip last year to  Canyonlands. I'm impressed with the really wasn't that expensive. I was in charge of it, so I did have a hard time knowing what I was actually catching, especially since the sun was blaring...I eventually just started aiming and clicking hoping something would turn out. 

Reece and Jake.

Riley. He was cold. Oh so cold!! His teeth wouldn't stop he didn't last long. I blame his zero body fat!



When that was done we rushed back to the resort to get front row seats in the sports bar ...lucky for us we college basketball isn't huge in Cabo. However, we did notice a LOT of Gonzaga fans. Thankfully, they played the next night. 

Does this art speak to you too???


Lucky hats come through again!! 17 wins in a row!!


Instead of bumming around our resort beach, we took the advice of others and went to Santa Maria's was gorgeous, BUT it wasn't the soft white sand we hoped for. It was big, rocky our feet hurt and we decided to not stay too long.

Jake testing his life proof case. :)

This bird was mean... I think he was waiting for people to feed him and if other birds came around he chased them away. It was amusing!

Since we didn't stay too long, the boys and Maddie went back to Cabo San Lucas to do some light shopping... I stayed behind to prep for the trip back home.

One last picture of our view...we watched more March Madness and got to be fairly early. Reece was still fighting a fever, but was overall doing very well.
The sun didn't rise ... it clearly wanted us to stay!!! 

Our travel home was a long one... we had to get to the Cabo airport hours early... had a 4 hour layover in San Diego and going through customs was rough. We found a restaurant and caught the second half of the OU game...we got to watch KU and sadly watched them lose in the Elite Eight. Then we were sad and had to immediately board our plane to Denver. We didn't get to Denver until midnight. We literally crawled into our hotel beds. The next morning we enjoyed our free breakfast and drove home! Vacation over!! Back to reality!
Random pictures from Jake's phone.

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