Sunday, April 3, 2016

ᑕOᑭᑭEᖇ 2 ᑕᗩᗷO: ᑭᗩᖇT 2

Our next leg of the trip was to head to Denver to hang out for the day because our flight to Cabo was very early in the morning... We said goodbye to family and drove to Frisco for breakfast. We loved the food at Log Cabin Cafe...and it kept me full for most of the day!!
Reece got a hat in Copper... my boys look good in hats, but they rarely wear them!

Still waking up, and poor Riley got sunburned on the big mountain! 

First stop in Denver was the aquarium... it was recommended by my friend, Jill, and it was great! I think the boys really enjoyed it! I know I did!

Reece touching a snake... Riley wanted nothing to do with that!

Reece is a sucker for mining! 

Feeding time!

This was cool to witness! They had "Kiss the Girl" playing from "The Little Mermaid."

Now I want to watch "Finding Nemo."

So it was too early to check into the hotel, but 2 hours was long enough for the aquarium...our other dilemma was there was a lot of March Madness we were missing. So we went to Dave and Busters-something we don't have in our small valley. We got to eat, watch basketball and keep the boys entertained. Win/Win/Win!

That was our Denver excitement! Off to bed and off to Cabo in the AM!

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