Monday, October 6, 2008

Arizona, Here We Come!

In about 12 hours we will be off to see our family in Arizona. We are all very excited, and have been looking forward to this for a long time. This will be both of the boys first time on an airplane, and I am so nervous about having Reece in such a confined space for too long. He is a "high energy" boy, and he gets bored very easily. Riley is acting excited and nervous about the plane. I can't tell if he really is a little scared to get on, or if it is just one of his ways of getting attention. We'll see soon.
It is still so cute how Riley is learning about Arizona. The other day, he told Reece to "watch out for the cactuses, because Arizona is a desert place!" (I know it is cacti, but I'm just repeating what Riley said.) Then he posed as a cactus and told Reece to touch him. Reece then had to act like the cactus hurt him. Funny stuff. You never know what is going through those little heads.
Well, we will be back soon, and I will have pictures and updates from our trip!

1 comment:

Shenna said...

Good luck on your flight! Hopefully all goes well.