Sunday, October 26, 2008

Riley's 1st grade picture

Here is Riley's school picture. I was debating on whether to do retakes or not. I chose a different background (that they didn't use) and now he really blends in. I decided not to take my chances. Riley is in this phase (ever since he has lost all of his teeth) where he doesn't give the best smile. Although, this isn't his best, I know it is so much cuter than it could have been. Everyday, I love the picture a little bit more and to me it is the "real" Riley.
I just had his parent-teacher conferences earlier this month. It was a very good report. Riley is in a higher reading class, but now we have to make sure he comprehends what he is reading. We read almost daily, and when we are done, I will ask what the book is about. He responds by telling me the title of the book. Clever. I ask how the book made him feel. It's always, "Good." It's like pulling teeth. So, the other day, we read a book about a square pumpkin named, Spookley. Spookley got teased, because he was different, then he saved the day and everyone liked him. When I was trying to get Riley to talk about the book I got the same answers. Finally, I had to tell Riley that no matter what people look like, you should always be nice to everyone. He then interrupted me to say that, "Everyone is unique." I was so proud. He quickly added that if everyone looked like me (mom), it would be boring. You heard it... MOM=BORING! :(


Shenna said...

I think it is a super cute picture!

Andrea said...

I think the picture is cute too. Im glad he already learned that mom = boring. Landon's only 3 and I think he's onto it too.....
PS: While I hated practicing piano I look back now and wish I would have kept at it.. well, maybe not. Then I would probably be the choir pianist, primary pianist, relief society pianist.... no thanks.