Saturday, October 11, 2008

My two cents...

This morning we woke up super early to go to the airport to fly home. We were all dragging quite a bit, because we were lucky to have gotten 4 hours of sleep last night. We get to the airport and make it to security, which is always a stressful time. Imagine having 4 people to worry about and only 2 adults to carry items for the 4 people. I was already stressed out, the boys were tired and I had to worry about getting the boys shoes off and then on again. And of course the crowds were crazy. The one thing I noticed is how rude people working there were. They were just barking at people, and I don't feel it helped the situation. I don't know if it was just Arizona people (in my short time there I had encountered a few), or if these people just don't like there job. I can only imagine that job being stressful, and having to deal with that many people all day long doesn't sound like fun to me, but if you can't be civil to human beings, then find a job where you don't have to interact with human beings. My mood and fatigue only got worse as the trip went on. When we got to Kansas City and got on the shuttle to get back to our car, the driver seemed to bark at Riley a couple of times because his back wasn't completely against the back of the seat. Are you kidding me?!?! Who talks to a kid that way? I know I get frustrated with my boys often, but I always appreciate how well behaved they really are compared to most kids there age. I was so upset at that time, it took all my strength not to cry.
Moral of the story... if you are that unhappy or angry, don't forget that you don't know what the stranger across from you is battling in their life. Can't we just all get along and play nice??

1 comment:

Shenna said...

I'm sorry you had to deal with the crappy people in Arizona. It's one of the reasons I hate it here. The Phoenix airport security (previous experiences there) gave me a near psychotic breakdown getting ready for my trip to KS last month. It really is people in Arizona - I think the constant heat makes people cranky. :)