Sunday, October 12, 2008

Congratulations Ken and Sally!!!

On Friday, October 10th, Ken and Sally were married. The boys gained a grandma, and you can say Jake gained siblings that aren't related to me. Sally has 2 children. Kevin is her oldest who is married to Megan. They have 2 children. A 14 month old boy, Jayden, and a 3 month old girl, Mika. They are adorable.

Katie is her daughter and married to Greg. They are expecting their first sometime early next year. Katie was the Matron of Honor and is so cute pregnant. She could not have looked any cuter in the wedding.

They had a very small, intimate wedding on their back patio. Sally did most of the work, and did a great job. After the wedding and cake, there was a lot of dancing. Ken and Sally are great country dancers and she eventually traded her heels for some cowgirl boots.

Welcome to the family, Sally!!

Jake and boys hanging around while waiting for the wedding to start.

Riley and Reece were asked to be last minute Ring Bearers. They both made it half way down the aisle. That is when Reece came to sit with me. Riley was a trooper and made it through the entire ceremony. Here is the Groom and Ring Bearer.

I couldn't resist. Reece praying during the ceremony.

Reece gave Sally a big hug to welcome her into the family.

Mommy and Riley.

We decided to let Riley take some pictures during the reception. Let's face it, this is the only way for me to make it in more pictures. Maybe after some practice, he will have a career in photography. After he took the one of us, he said, "I got the Pepsi can in that one!" He was pretty excited. Maybe the career will be in advertising...

Time to cut the cake. Reece was most excited about this. He had to look at the cake all day, and he couldn't touch it. We decided to get out of the house for lunch and he was worried he was going to miss the cake. Sally made the cake herself and did a great job. It was delicious!

After a long day, and a night full of dancing, this is how it ended for Reece. Reece also stayed busy asking all of the guests if they wanted a Pepsi. Most of the time he got it right, sometimes they ended up with a Coke.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Cute pictures! I love the one of you and Riley. Im glad the wedding went well. Sally did a great job with all the flowers and the cake!! Congrats to them!