Thursday, February 26, 2009

Confessions of a 6 Year Old Boy...

The last couple weeks has been very chaotic. Riley took his sweet old time getting over his sinus infection. His fever finally went away, for good, on Saturday. My sister, Jaime, has been out of town for a couple of weeks, so Jake and I have been juggling our jobs and the kids with 2 of our wonderful neighbors, who happen to have kids the same age as Riley and Reece. Valentine's Day seems like a distant memory. This was the day, Riley confessed to have a girlfriend. Her name is Alaina (sp?). As time went by, I forgot about his little confession, and the teasing stopped. However, tonight as we were getting ready for bed, I asked if Alaina was still his girlfriend. His response was just a HUGE grin and a little giggle. He then said that Alaina was still his girlfriend, she just doesn't know it. Oh, I laughed. I think it was 2nd grade when a certain boy started chasing me around. Of course, this was his way of showing me, he had a crush on me. I remember his crush being announced in the middle of class and I blushed so badly, I almost started crying. Oh, the memories. Oh, how I can't believe Riley has a crush!?
On another note, my blogs have been a little boring, and without pictures lately, because my computer is temporarily out of order. Well, I really hope it is just temporary. I have been using Jake's computer and below is a very old picture I found on it. This was almost 2 years ago, when Riley lost his first tooth.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ahhh... first love! I feel your pain about no pictures. Im the queen in that department! Love the picture if Riley!