Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Poor Fin"

Riley and Reece got the chance to go to the school Carnival yesterday. Reece was so lucky to win a goldfish. This was super exciting to the boys. Not as much for Mom, but it could be so much worse. Reece got a goldfish in a bag, and a plastic fish bowl to keep him in. They cleverly named him, Fin. On my way home from work, I stopped by Target to pick up some fish food. Luckily, Target only carries a jumbo size of fish food that cost about $8.00. I was so tired, the jumbo size was going to have to do. I get home, and there is Fin in his bag floating in a bowl of water, adjusting.
After the boys went to bed, I looked at the many directions on the bag. All of the data I collected made me believe it was safe enough to put Fin in the bowl. I did so, and I gave him his first pinch of food. He struggled from the beginning. I thought he was just a dumb fish, because he wasn't going for the food. Nope. I obviously just don't know how to take care of fish. Sadly, Fin passed away a couple hours later. Oops! I felt terrible. The boys woke up the next morning and saw a dead Fin at the bottom of his bowl. Traumatizing, right? Not for Riley and Reece. They said it was sad, but honestly were not bothered too much. Maybe it is all the video games they play, and they are numb to death? Maybe they just weren't too attached to it? The boys helped Jake flush him down the toilet, and all day, Reece kept on picking up the empty fish bowl to say, "Poor Fin."
The boys are anxious to replace Fin, and we will. I will just make sure Jake is around to make better decisions, because I obviously can't handle the huge responsibility. It's amazing the boys have survived 4 and 6 years. R.I.P. Fin.

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