Field day isn't anything like it was when I was a kid. It's not competing in Track and Field events for 1st place ribbons. Imagine every PE game you ever played. Now imagine, rotating stations to play these games all day long. It is just a day to be active and have fun. It is not about winning. I only got picturs of Riley playing this game, since this was the station I was working. After seeing each and every kid that goes to this school, I absolutely, 100%, appreciate my wonderful son, Riley. (I don't really need field day to point this out.) I got so much attitude from the other (mostly older) students. I had so many boys start crying because they were tagged. Part of the tag game I was running, involved students needing to exercise if they got tagged. No one did this part without me getting on them. The older the kids got, the lazier they were. It is so pathetic that kids these days are so inactive. Just sad. The worst part was the classes, almost always, reflected the teacher. The teachers that were having fun with the kids had the best classes who were enjoying themselves. The teachers that just sat on the side, and were not at all involved, had kids who were impossible to handle. I love Riley's school and very much appreciate Riley's teachers. I feel as though I have been so lucky, but fear for the day I don't appreciate a teacher he is assigned to. Enough venting. I will volunteer again, and probably be impatient again. Besides, whatever doesn't kill me, will make me stronger. Right?
After all the fun was over, I was able to take Riley home early. His substitute, Ms. Haer, pulled me aside to ask a question. All of the students were tested last week, and out of 68 questions, Riley got 67 right. She said he was in the top 2 of the class. Due to this, she wanted to know if she could buy him McDonalds for lunch tomorrow. How great is that?! I'm so proud of him. His response to this was, "I thought I got all of them right." Funny kid. He gets that from his Dad. While Jake was in school, an A- was very disappointing to him. For me? That would have been a huge triumph.
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