Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Have I Done?!?!

***This post is really, all about me. Not the most exciting, just thoughts going through my mind at this very moment.***
What have I gotten myself into? I, Jacque, who is very conservative, not a big risk taker, and needs things to be in my control at all times, has signed up to SELL jewelry!!! I was so sure I would NEVER enjoy selling anything. I still don't know if I'll enjoy this, but something got into me and I decided to do it. I hate talking in front of people and being the center of attention. Well, with this jewelry I don't have to do that at all. I also HATE pressuring anyone, or feeling as though I'm being pressured. Also, not what I have to do.
I decided to start selling "Cookie Lee Jewelry." It is very cute jewelry, with a very large variety of styles. If I have a home party, all I do is set up jewelry I have in stock, and let people browse. I take their order, whether it from the catalog or something I have that day. If it is what I have, they can take it home. No presentation, or games, or pressure. Very casual. I don't have to go into a spiel about why I joined.
Why did I do this?? First of all, it is not to replace any of my current income. Second, it is a pyramid scheme, and I have no intention of getting recruits. My hope is just to earn a couple extra bucks each month to help pay off medical bills. Anyone who knows us, understands we have been drowning in medical bills the last 3 years. NOT FUN!! I was on the fence about selling, and honestly was almost positive it would not be for me, but when my friend came to my house, and put on the show, it really looked like something I could do. However, when I officially signed up and hit that "send" button...I panicked!!! I got myself into the unknown! I freaked out and wanted an "undo" button to use. Two days later, a TON of jewelry showed up on my porch. I had fun opening the box, but by the time I was done, I was so overwhelmed, that I put it all back in the box and put it away for a while. I have already had several offers to hold parties. Mostly catalog parties, but that works for me. I am just looking for a great jumping off point. The initial start up is my biggest concern, and I really hope I don't regret this. I am proud of myself for doing something, totally out of my character. So, if there is anyone out there reading this, and wants to have a fun girls night, or an easy catalog party...let me know!!
Speaking of medical bills...We were able to file for financial aid through Children's Mercy. We got a huge bill from them, just for blood work. We got a letter from them this week saying, they took care of all of the bill for us. We will also be taken care of through May 2010, and can then reapply. Oh, that was a great day!! We could not be more grateful and happy about this. Now we just have OP Regional and KUMed to focus on.
Silly random thought of mine. I've always admired teachers. In fact, there was a large part of my life, when I thought I would be one. (Soon after having children of my own, I realized I don't have the patience for other people's kids.) Well, I know they are overworked and underpaid. They are a huge part of our kids lives, and this is SO sad that we can't take better care of them. The other night, Jake and I were watching the NBA playoffs. I LOVE basketball, but a pet peeve of mine is missed free throws. (Unless, you are part of the 2008 Memphis team who helped KU win the championship by missing free throws.) Why are professionals missing so many free throws?? I shouldn't expect perfection, but free throws are free shots!!! My thoughts this particular night were...NBA players should be fined for each missed free throws. Where should this money go? It should go from the overpaid professionals to the underpaid teachers. Wouldn't that be great? I think so. Now, how do we get started on that one???

1 comment:

Erica said...

I was watching basketball tonight with my husband and they were commenting on all the missed free throws and I chuckled after reading your blog...that would be nice:)