Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

My day started out with breakfast in bed. I got showered with Mother's Day Cards, and the best part... my gift was this AWESOME necklace with the boys photo. My neighbor made it, and I admit, I pretty much picked out what I wanted for my day. So, I got it. I got so many compliments on it today, I really wish I would've had her cards with me to hand out. She already had the picture I love, (the one at the top of my blog) and was so nice to have it ready by today.
The rest of my day was spent at work, unfortunately. Happy Mother's Day to me!! Even though I had to work today, I am so thankful to have the 2 best boys ever. I can't even discribe how wonderful they are. They are 2 of the most loving kids ever. The other day Riley stood up for Reece while walking home from school. It was pretty cool. They are best friends and I pray it stays this way. They are so at an age, where I wish they would stop getting older. I really want this phase to last longer. That says something about how awesome my boys really are.
I really wish I could've made it down to Wichita to see my Mom. She is one of the most patient moms ever. My boys love to go to her house, and hate when it's time to come back home. I love knowing, she is only a phone call away, whenever life or being mommy gets hard. She is a wonderful Mom, and an even more wonderful Grandma. We love you and can't wait to see you next month. Have a fabulous Day!


Shenna said...

What a cute gift! Your boys seem like the perfect kids, really. I'm glad you have such great little guys to share your life with!

Erica said...

Happy Mother's Day! I LOVE the necklace!!