Friday, May 8, 2009

Random Reece

A couple days ago, I somehow referred to myself as a "lady."
Reece then said,"You're not a lady. Just other girls are ladies."
"Well, what am I?"
"You're just a Mommy!"

Just last night, we were all watching TV together, and Reece decided he was going to play with my hair. Although, it was a slightly painful experience, I found it quite funny. Then he said the most awesome thing..."There, your hair looks GORGEOUS!" I wasn't sure where he got this, and then he reminded me it was from WALL-E. It was SO funny. But looking in the mirror was not funny. It was just plain scary. Thanks for my makeover Reece.

On another note: We just got notified a couple days ago that the Swine Flu has reached a Gardner school. It is in another elementary school here, thankfully not Riley's. But it is still a scary thought. I'm not freaking out about the flu, just the media obviously shows the worst side of it. I have always taught the boys to cough and sneeze in their arm, and not in their hands. I just keep telling Riley to wash his hands often. Hopefully, we dodge this bullet.

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