Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kitchen Revealed

Technically, the kitchen was one of the first "mostly" finished rooms in my house.... however, there was so much counter space, that it became the home of all of our tools and paint supplies over the last 8 weeks....
until today!
More floral wallpaper.

This was a huge selling point to our house. Most homes we checked out, had kitchens only the 5th of this size, and sometimes you would walk right through, and miss the kitchen. (You only think I'm exaggerating.)
Although, this is more Oak than I personally enjoy, it's still amazing to have an updated kitchen in such an old home. We took off the wallpaper.... the kitchen came off in sheets, thankfully. Then we painted it Contented (green), and I spray painted all of the handles oil rubbed bronze to update them cheaply. There are 54 cabinets and I talked Jake out of spending the $150+ to replace them all. I have cabinets all the way up to the ceiling, throughout the kitchen, which means I have empty kitchen cabinets. I won't complain.... I've finally unpacked all wedding gifts, thanks to this fact!! Now JODY needs to make me a better valance, than the one that was left behind!! ;)
Sorry about the pictures.... it's a difficult room to get decent pictures in!


Leesa said...

LOVE IT!! What a great kitchen!! Your mom wasn't kidding - she said it was gorgeous. :)
It looks like you'll finally be able to sit back and relax a little now that everything is done!!

jody-of-all-trades said...

I promise to help you get rid of that valance!