Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Crafts

Among all the chaos that December can bring.... one more thing that was semi~stressful, was how our dining room table had looked as though Christmas crafts had been thrown up all over it!
I'm pretty sure Reece did little learning in December, and lots of cutting and gluing.
Poor Riley only brought home tons and tons of school work... some finished, some not.
I tend to keep a LOT of things that come home, and I do so in an organized manner. Both boys have a large storage tub that I keep cute things in, but it often takes me several days of looking at them pile up, before I do anything. Meanwhile, getting overwhelmed...
So, I thought I'd just snap a few pictures and blog about them, so I'll always have these... not sure if I'll keep doing this or not, but here I go.


Leesa said...

It's a good idea to take a picture of the craft so you can (eventually) toss it! I saw that idea in a magazine and that's my plan. Some of the stuff they bring home is way to big to stuff into a tote.

jody-of-all-trades said...

Awesome idea!