Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow, Sickness, & Broken Heaters

Oh, My!

This is a break down of my week.

*Monday was a snow day. Yay! I get paid for at least one snow day. Double Yay!!

*Tuesday, I went to work for 3 hours. I came home with a horrible tummy ache, then spent 4 hours, all by myself, violently ill. Thank goodness for sick pay.

*Wednesday. Due to the 24 hour rule, that I strongly support, I knew I wouldn't be going in. Once again, so happy I had sick pay. I had a horrible headache, but I was home on the mend. Five minutes before I would usually be walking out the door, the phone rings with a message that at the school I work at, the heaters weren't working, so school was canceled. I'm thinking that cancels out my sick pay. BOO!

*Thursday. Cabin fever has set in. I'd gotten more rest than anyone really needs, and I was ready to face the day. I finally slept my headache away, and I was good to go. Riley looks awful and is complaining of a tummy ache. Really?? He really did look awful, so I made the calls, felt terrible for being gone again, but it's sick pay. Guess what? Riley never got sick. I was so scared for him to feel the extreme pain that I felt for 8 terrible hours, and he got nothing. I was thankful for this, but I so desperately needed to get out of this house!!! I did get the chance to wash every sheet and towel in this house, and disinfect a very good majority of it. You know I'm rested up, when I take the opportunity to clean. I, of course, had the fear of one of my family members going through what I did, and that was motivation enough.

*Friday. It's not Friday yet, but I'm going to work!! Nothing will stop me!! (Knock on wood) Jake has the day off, so I'm running out that door at my earliest chance!!


Leesa said...

I know what you mean about cabin fever! I was stuck in the house from Monday night until Wednesday night and that was enough.
I'm glad you're feeling better!!

Shenna said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! Being sick really sucks...sorry you were so ill, but I'm glad that Riley didn't catch what you had!