Monday, January 3, 2011

What A Difference A Year Makes!

I just don't think our lives could have changed much more in 2010.
The year pretty much started with a BANG!
January 15th... I lose my job the same day Jake is approached about a new, better paying position. The big key, was it was 3 hours away. A transferring, promotion.
I stayed behind, to let the boys finish school and get our first home on the market. When we left, it was 11 years old, we had lived in it for 6 years.
Soon after the house sold, I came down with Mono while I worked a brand new, temporary job for an Orthodontist.
The last 3 weeks of being in Gardner, the boys and I actually slept on a mattress on the floor at my brother's house.
Reece graduates Preschool.
Followed by us saying goodbye to best friends, and leaving Trailblazer country...AKA: Gardner, KS.

We had to say goodbye to Riley's school of 3 years.
Then we arrived to our "new" home.
McPherson, KS.
And to a house that is 103 years old.
I spent the next 8 weeks of my life, transforming the decor of this charming home.
You'll have to refer back to my June posts to see those pictures.
My car took a beating in 2010.
First a dang raccoon forced us to put it in the shop with $2500.00 in damage, and weeks later, our neighbors tree dropped a limb on it. Same amount in damage, just this time it was bearable, and we didn't have the money for another deductible.
Riley turned 8!
Reece lost his first tooth!
Both boys learned to ride their bikes, which proved to be painful at times.
We were close enough to cousins to have play and pool dates!
Riley began 3rd grade, Reece ALL DAY Kindergarten.
I moved just 2 doors down from Casey, who I played basketball with in High School.
Her friends welcomed me immediately, and she owns the cutest Sassy Bags store.
It didn't take long for me to realize that we were in BullPup/Dog country now.
(And KState is much more liked in this part of KS)
I also got a job with the school district, to be on the boys schedules, and so far it's been wonderful! I feel like I've been waiting ages for the day that the boys were in school all day, and McPherson sped that up, just a bit!
We are close enough to celebrate Halloween with cousins too!
Not everything changes... my boys are still obsessed with Mario Bros!
Leaves, leaves and more leaves!!! We didn't have this problem in Gardner...
Jake turns 8!.... I mean 37!!
Reece turns 6!
We have a much larger kitchen, which made our annual caramel/chocolate covered pretzels so much more fun to make!
And no Fireplace to hang our stockings with care on... but a lovely staircase that already had the perfect hooks to hang them on. Santa was forced to use the front door as well... no chimney in this old house either.
Well.... 2010 was a roller coaster, but it had some amazing life changes. I wish for a slower 2011, with many blessings ahead!


Leesa said...

This was a fun post!

Erica said...

Love the year end review! Wow, you guys went through some big changes!