Monday, January 31, 2011

If You Were Here Today....

...You'd see this.
Riley, intensely playing "Star Wars."
Reece, focused in on his D.S.
All, because this is what it looks like outside.
Granted, my car does have a sheet of ice on it, and supposedly snow is in our very near future, but I'm so bored of snow days!! The chances of tomorrow being a real snow day is HIGH.
I must be getting old. Snow days are beginning to get to me.
If you read this blog, chances are high you are old, like me.
Here's why.
At school we've had several indoor recess days.
A favorite activity in the 5th grade class is playing "Apples 2 Apples."
My favorite game ever!
I was observing them play, and a red card was played.
The red card said
"Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen"
The judge says,
"I don't even know who that is, so this card can't win."
You are welcome for proving you are old. ;)


Leesa said...

The joys of living in a smaller town! You get more "snow" days for sure.
Someday... let's get together! I need some Jacque time!

Shenna said...

I'm happy we don't have snow days...unfortunately we have our "stuck at home" days in the summer. For now I"ll enjoy the wonderful weather.