Friday, May 13, 2011

The Parade

***Picture Overload***
We survived our first "All Schools Day"..... sort of.
We had an absolute, gorgeous week of weather.
That is, until today..... Friday the 13th. Forecast was 65*..... we dressed for 65*. Oops! The parade temps were only 47*! BRRRR!!!
Here's my boys, ready to see the town! And it was after this picture, we should have turned around and dressed much warmer..... maybe even have grabbed our KU Snuggie! But, we didn't....
Roosevelt Elementary Kindergarten Float

***Washington Elementary Kindergarten Float***
(This is the school I work at.)

"My" Kindergarten Students.
MacKenzie, Mikayla, Blaine, Zoe.
Myles, Loghan, Josiah.
Joel, Grayson, Kindric, Deanna.
Dalton, Makayla, Logan.
And the WONDERFUL Mrs. Koehn!! And her adorable grandson, Tytan!
Unfortunately, things went down hill. The boys were way too cold to stay for the entire parade, and a few hours later we found Reece with a fever. Blah!
Hopefully, next year will be much better!!
Happy Friday the 13th.... I mean All Schools Day!


jody-of-all-trades said...

That darn weather! Your float turned out so cute. Good job.

Erica said...

The floats look awesome! Your kindergartners are too cute!
Thanks for the deck comment. Wes grew up with his parents building all sorts of things, so now he is attempting to do things himself. I didn't grow up like that so I am just amazed!

I was looking through Bridget's scrapbook and came across the card you wrote me after I found out about her hand. Thank you for that!!!! So touching! Now look at her ;)