Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pre-"All Schools Day"

Something they don't share with you, when you decide to move to the city of McPherson, is that for one day in the month of May, the entire city shuts down for something they call "All Schools Day."
I've heard it described as "the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade of the Midwest."
It's a big deal. Period.
Well, guess how I've been welcomed!?
That's right! It's tradition to have all schools make a "Kindergarten Float."
I was the responsible and involved parent that showed up to the float meeting. There was a time I had wished I had ran the other way!! I wasn't a big help during the planning period, because I honestly had zero mental image of what a float looked like for this special day! I even dreaded much of the construction of it, but I made it through, and I know that I can always be proud that I helped Reece (who has been excited for the float for at least 10 weeks, now) be a part of this day!
So, during construction I continuously forgot my camera.... I wish I could've gotten some shots of just the trailer, but I didn't. We finished 2 weeks early, and I went back up to the warehouse while I knew others were working on their floats, and got some shots. The lights were off, so this is the best I could do, before the big day, when 65 little "campers" were on it, with a crowd of close to 30,000 are crowding the streets.
The theme was "Life's Shining Moments."
We spun it around, made a night time camping float, and the kids will all have flashlights as their shining lights.
The truck will be pulling it from here.

This log cabin used to be a big red barn.

Our Kindergarten teachers are the "Directors."
Mrs. Olander
Mrs. Stewart
Mrs. Pressnall
"Our Lights Shine Bright At Roosevelt"

Reece pointing to his flashlight with his name on it!


Erica said...

Wow, that turned out awesome! I want to do that in Gardner!!

P.S. Happy Mother's Day to one of the most caring moms I know!!

Thank you for introducing me to blogging, I don't know what I would do without it ;)

jody-of-all-trades said...

Oh my gosh! You totally did not need me! Great job!!!