Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Signs Continue

What have we created?? Riley's "Shhhhh!" sign was such a hit with Reece, he really didn't want to take it down.
Tonight, I was on the computer, and Reece kept coming to a new piece of paper.... this was after the doorbell had rung 3 different times, with friends wanting the boys to come out and play. He told me he was making a sign.
And this is what we got!

Don't you just LOVE how well Reece uses his space on his paper???
The signs would never have been as effective if he used just 1 sheet.... or even HALF of a sheet!! Silly kid!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Kids crack me up!
I guess you can be at ease knowing that Reece is not exactly a tree-hugger. :)