Monday, May 2, 2011

Too Funny!

The Website is here.
Meet Rylee and Reece.
Not to be confused with my Riley and Reece.
A few years ago (after I had named my 2 boys) my sister had told me that she had come across a boutique in Wichita, with no other name than.... Rylee and Reece! How cool! Tonight, I finally looked up the adorable website, and I have to say, I was shocked to find out Reece was actually a BOY!!! That always makes me smile. Ever since we've named our boys, we've encountered girl after girl with their names. I often have to tell people that they are boys, if they just look at their names. Really?? AND he even spells it like our Reece! It is constantly being misspelled. It's really not that big of a deal, but I thought this was cool!!

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I think that little boutique is now in New Market Square. I think... I saw it somewhere, anyway!
And to make you feel better, Jason has a little nephew named Riley, so I've always thought of it as a boy's name.